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Entry level safeguarding course for all employees who have a customer service facing role

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Course Details

This entry level 3 hour course is for all businesses, organisations, or charitable groups where employees or volunteers are in a forward facing role that may at any time come in contact with children, young persons or vulnerable adults. This Introduction to Safeguarding course is about making sure your organisation is run in a way that actively prevents harm, harassment, bullying, abuse and neglect. It’s also about being ready to respond safely and well if there is a problem identified. Your staff will learn to Recognise. Respond. Report. Everyone in the organisation has a role to play in safeguarding. It should become part of your day to day activities and training provision documented by a safeguarding lead. Every organisation that delivers charitable activities has a duty to safeguard volunteers, staff members, participants and donors. For more information, please contact us. This course can be held at our training centre in Wareham or on site at your location to suit.

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12 Westminster Road


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